academic self-efficacy, school adjustment, social support, university studentsAbstract
The transition from secondary school to university is a significant life event marked by academic and social challenges. This study investigated the impact of academic self-efficacy and social support on school adjustment of first-year University students in Nigeria. This study adopted an ex post facto research design. The study population comprised all 2503 first-year university students at Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomosho, Nigeria. Simple random sampling was used to select 250 respondents for the study. Three hypotheses guided the study. Data was collected using the Questionnaire on First-Year University Students School Adjustment (QUF-YUSSA) designed by the researchers. The face and content validity of the instrument was achieved by vetting and contribution from experts while the split-half method was used to achieve the reliability with a reliability coefficient of 0.76. Data collected were analyzed using frequency count, percentage, mean, standard deviation, inter-correlation matrix, simple regression analysis and multiple regression analysis. Results showed a high positive correlation between academic self-efficacy and school adjustment as well as between social support and school adjustment. It was also found that there was a significant joint effect of academic self-efficacy and social support (F-ratio (2, 247) = 183.230) on school adjustment of first-year University students with an R-value of .773. It was also found that social support (t = 3.988, β = .488; p< .000) and academic self-efficacy (t = 3.012, β = .388; p< .003) had significant relative effects on school adjustment of first-year University students. Based on the results of the findings, it was recommended that Universities should focus on enhancing the academic self-efficacy and social support of their students and should create a positive learning environment that fosters social interaction and provides opportunities for students to develop their social skills and networks. It was also recommended that academic advisors and counsellors should work closely with students to identify their individual needs and provide personalized support and guidance.
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