political restructuring, socio-economics, science educationAbstract
The study examined the impact of science education on socio-economic and political restructuring in Ondo State, Nigeria. The state is facing challenges such as high inflation, huge foreign debts, infrastructure deficit, high unemployment, and insecurity, exacerbated by the removal of fuel subsidies and the presence of bandits, gunmen, and kidnappers. The study raised and answered three research questions and used a descriptive survey design, administering 50 validated questionnaires to ten science teachers in five public schools in Ondo. The data collected was analyzed using simple percentages and means. The findings revealed significant challenges in the socio-economic and political sectors of Ondo State and suggested that a comprehensive focus on teaching and learning science education could offer solutions to these challenges. As a result, it is recommended that the government at all levels and education stakeholders prioritize science education across all levels of education in Ondo State.
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