attitudes, integration, knowledge, teacher education, Sustainable Development GoalsAbstract
The integration of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in education is a crucial component for the socio-economic reconstruction of 21st-century Nigeria. This study aimed to investigate the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of teachers in Nigeria regarding the incorporation of SDGs into their teaching activities. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design and collected data from a sample of 400 teachers and teacher educators selected from six Southwest region states in Nigeria. The research instrument used for the study was a self-administered structured questionnaire titled: Teachers' Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices towards the Integration of SDGs into Teaching Questionnaire (TKAPI-SDGs). The study selected a sample of 400 teachers and teacher educators from different states using a stratified random sampling technique. The population was categorized into different strata based on states, secondary teachers, and teacher educators (Lecturers from colleges of education or faculties of education). The samples were drawn from six states in the region using a simple random sampling technique. Thirty secondary schools and twelve public tertiary institutions participated in the study. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics including frequency count, percentages, means, and standard deviation. The findings reveal that there is a low level of knowledge and mixed feelings about incorporating the SDGs into teaching among teachers. Therefore, there is a need for increased support and resources to promote knowledge and understanding of the SDGs among teachers. However, there is general awareness among teachers in Nigeria about the SDGs. Findings also reveal the positive attitudes of teachers towards the SDGs, which suggests that there is potential for increased integration of the SDGs into teaching activities with adequate support and resources. The study concludes that there is a need for increased support and resources to integrate the Sustainable Development Goals into teaching activities among Nigerian educators. Professional development opportunities, collaboration, and leadership support are necessary to prepare future generations towards a sustainable future and to achieve the SDGs in Nigeria. The study recommends targeted professional development programmes for teachers, resources and materials, collaboration among teachers and departments, curriculum reform, and greater support from school leadership.
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