motivation, demographic factors, job productivity, lecturers, languageAbstract
Job productivity in any organization is influenced by several factors. In light of this, a study was conducted to investigate the influence of motivation and demographic factors on the job productivity of language lecturers in Southwest, Nigeria. The study employed a descriptive survey research design, and the population comprised language lecturers in Colleges of Education in Southwest, Nigeria. The sample size consisted of one hundred and twenty (120) respondents with ten (10) lecturers selected randomly from twelve Colleges of Education (Private, State, and Federal) in southwest, Nigeria. Two research questions were raised and one research hypothesis was tested at a 0.05 level of significance. A researcher-developed research instrument titled ‘Rating scale on the influence of demographic factors on job productivity among language lecturers in Southwest Colleges of Education’ was employed for the study. The instrument was validated and its reliability was determined with a reliability coefficient of 0.89. Data were analyzed using simple percentages, mean, and Spearman ranking correlation. Findings from the study revealed that salary, wages, and demographic variables such as gender, experience, and education can enhance the productivity of language lecturers, and other lecturers in different disciplines. It was recommended that employers prioritize their lecturers' salaries and wages and ensure that working environments and conditions are attractive and conducive in the Colleges of Education in Southwest Nigeria.
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